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Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Today, I'm sharing with you a simple yet delicious chocolate chip cookies recipe from where I did my internship! The cookies are definitely crispy on the outside and chewy in the middle (That's how I like my cookies to be!) But you can totally shift around the recipe to get the texture you want :) The recipe was originally made for larger batch so I had to divide the portions into smaller batch myself which was kinda scary to do as it could mess up the texture and how the cookies supposed to be. But I'd like to say it was a total success so I thought, I should share it out in case you guys would like to try to make them as well :) It's super simple, I promise. For me, I don't really follow the recipe, I mean yeah I follow the recipe but I don't mind having 1 or 2 grams extra than stated. Alright, firstly, you'd need the ingredients of course.

108 grams - Butter

1.4 grams - Salt

70 grams - Sugar

63 grams - Brown Sugar

1 nos - Egg

3.5 grams - Vanilla Essence

160 grams - All Purpose Flour

1 gram - Cinnamon Powder


Now you've got the ingredients, let's jump right into it! 1. Cream the butter, sugar and brown sugar until creamy. (Don't overdo it) I don't own an electric mixer so I did it manually.

Mix it until the colour is a bit paler than what you started with

2. Pour in the egg and vanilla essence. I beat the egg lightly beforehand so it's even when it's poured into the butter.

3. Mix in the dry ingredients and make sure it corporate nicely

4. Chop up the chocolates into smaller pieces. I used Cadbury Chocolate Bar but you can use the normal chocolate chips :) Put as much as you like!, the sky is the limit!!

You'll get something like this

Due to the warm weather in Malaysia, I had to set the dough into the fridge for a few minutes before I shape the cookies.

You can make the cookies whatever size you like. I made them kinda small cause I was scared they would spread too much.

Next, pop the tray into a preheated oven for 8 - 12 minutes for the cookies to cook. The temperature should be 175°C.

At this stage I was kinda worried but it worked out fine!

Okay, they spread a bit too much but they don't hurt.

Let them sit in the tray for 3-5 minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack. Let them cool for another 15 minutes before enjoying them :)

Don't they look amazing??? I'm totally in love with them and writing this post makes me hungry! I might have to take a bite after I'm done writing hehe

Let me know if you tried this recipe and show them to me with #DiyanahsCCC on Instagram! I would love to see how they turn out <3 I hope you enjoyed reading and

Until next time,


Diyanah xx


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